We offer Air Transport::
- in economy, priority, express mode
- via most airlines
- in the “door to door” system in both import and export
We provide:
- Complex service in import and export, door to door
- Attractive freight rates
- Customs services
- Professional advice
- Insurance

We conduct:
- customs clearance in the country with the simplified procedure and deferred VAT
- Customs clearance in Poland and Europe
- Courier service
Made-Trans provides a vast set of forwarding services in road, air and maritime transport. We fill orders for shipment of goods around the world.
+48 42 671 02 21
Main office in Łódź:
ul. 6-go Sierpnia 74,
90-646 Łódź
NIP 9820247632
+48 42 671 02 21
Department in Łódź:
ul. 6-go Sierpnia 74,
90-646 Łódź